‘ROK Talk’ sold to China Mobile Pakistan
London - Howler Technologies today announced that its mobile conference calling solution, ROK Talk, has been licensed to China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak). The solution enables users to make multi-person calls simply by clicking on their contact’s details in their mobile phone address book.
Howler Technologies recently formed the joint venture ROK Talk Ltd, with ROK Entertainment Group Inc. to market and sell the 'ROK Talk' product. ROK Entertainment Group has now signed a contract with China Mobile Pakistan to offer the ROK Talk product to its subscribers.
The deal with CMPak represents Howler Tech's first full-scale deployment of the ROK Talk product. The company is currently in discussions with other leading, global telecoms brands and will be making further announcements shortly.
Ed Hodges, CEO of Howler Technologies commented "We've been working hard on developing our next generation conferencing platform, and we were delighted when ROK Entertainment Group approached us to form a joint venture to sell ROK Talk worldwide. The China Mobile contract demonstrates our ability to create and sell world class telecoms applications."
CMPak is owned by China Mobile following a US$400 million buy-in of mobile operator Paktel, with plans of investing another US$400 million on running expenses and network expansion. China Mobile is the world’s largest Mobile Network Operator with more than 340 million subscribers.
London - Howler Technologies today announced that its mobile conference calling solution, ROK Talk, has been licensed to China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak). The solution enables users to make multi-person calls simply by clicking on their contact’s details in their mobile phone address book.
Howler Technologies recently formed the joint venture ROK Talk Ltd, with ROK Entertainment Group Inc. to market and sell the 'ROK Talk' product. ROK Entertainment Group has now signed a contract with China Mobile Pakistan to offer the ROK Talk product to its subscribers.
The deal with CMPak represents Howler Tech's first full-scale deployment of the ROK Talk product. The company is currently in discussions with other leading, global telecoms brands and will be making further announcements shortly.
Ed Hodges, CEO of Howler Technologies commented "We've been working hard on developing our next generation conferencing platform, and we were delighted when ROK Entertainment Group approached us to form a joint venture to sell ROK Talk worldwide. The China Mobile contract demonstrates our ability to create and sell world class telecoms applications."
CMPak is owned by China Mobile following a US$400 million buy-in of mobile operator Paktel, with plans of investing another US$400 million on running expenses and network expansion. China Mobile is the world’s largest Mobile Network Operator with more than 340 million subscribers.