Windows Vista boots on Intel Mac

Windows Vista boots on Intel Mac

Vista proves a challenge, even with Boot Camp

A member of the OSx86 Project has managed to get a pre-release version of Windows Vista to boot on an Intel-based Mac.

"A few weeks ago we launched our tongue-in-cheek contest to dual-boot Windows Vista on an Intel Mac, but little did we know that Apple was planning on dropping the Boot Camp news a few days later," said contributor 'Mashugly' from the OSx86 Project.

"Nevertheless, Vista has proved a challenge even with Boot Camp so we were fairly excited when 'AirmanPika' let us know about his success with installing and booting Vista."

The OSx86 Project noted that, although several people have got the Vista installer to work on Intel-based Macs, 'AirmanPika' is "one of the first to get Vista up and running, and the first we're aware of to give some screenshots".

However, the installation process is not without its glitches. Users would have to delete the OS X partition in order to install Vista on the machine.

"When you get to the section where it asks where to actually install Vista, well here's the main problem," said 'AirmanPika' on the site. "You delete all of them. Even OS X. Yes this isn't a dual-boot solution (yet anyway) but it does allow Vista to run."