Upgrade for police major crime system

Upgrade for police major crime system

The outline business case for Holmes 2020 will be completed this year, says Pito

The Police IT Organisation (Pito) is starting work on the replacement for the Holmes2 serious crime management system.

The current system is used by all 43 police forces in England and Wales to run large-scale criminal enquiries and casualty bureaux after major incidents like the Soham murders or the London Tube bombings.

Scoping the requirements for the Holmes 2020 system will be in parallel with on-going maintenance and modification for Holmes2, says Pito.

Considerations for the new system include extended use for addressing serial crimes, fraud and traffic accident management, and the storage of multimedia evidence from CCTV cameras or mobile phones.

'The police service faces a significant challenge in handling mass fatality incidents and major investigations,' said Jon Stoddart, Holmes 2020 executive lead and Durham chief constable.

'It is vital the IT applications that support these operations reflect the business processes, rules and procedures involved to ensure a sophisticated approach to the management of large-scale incidents in the public's interest.'

The Holmes 2020 business case will be produced this year, says Pito.