Internet companies rebel over Icann deal

Internet companies rebel over Icann deal

Opposition is growing to VeriSign's control over pricing for .com domains

Nineteen internet companies have written to domain name oversight body Icann, asking it to reconsider its deal with VeriSign, which will give the registry control over the .com domain until 2012.

The deal would also give VeriSign the power to increase registration fees by seven percent in four of the next six years, and retain a presumptive right to renew its control of the registry after 2012.

Firms including Network Solutions argue that Icann is failing in its remit to ensure fair pricing for .com registrations and a monopoly-free industry. Meanwhile, the VeriSign agreement has not yet been approved by the US Department of Commerce and there has been behind-the-scenes pressure on the department to block the deal.

A group of registrars has already sent a joint letter to the Department of Commerce urging Secretary Carlos Gutierrez to reject the agreement and send it back to the Icann board.