London – Search for Sudanese goat-lover continues as Buzz My Goat resolves to end widower's mourning.
Two years ago Mr Charles Tombe of Juba in southern Sudan was forced under local law to marry a goat named Rose, after he was discovered making amorous nocturnal advances towards her. Sadly, after a year of marital bliss, Rose choked to death on a plastic bag in a tragic accident.
Buzz My Goat – a new personal comedy service for web and mobile – this week resolved to end Mr Tombe's misery by offering him one of its mascots, a British Toggenburg breed of goat named Daisy, as a replacement.
"It's been almost one year since Rose died so tragically," says Buzz My Goat's Justin Wickham. "We feel Mr Tombe has endured enough mourning. The time is now right for him to move on to pastures new."
Ros Earthy, spokesperson for The British Goat Society, was quick to condemn the scheme: “Goats provide a valuable part of the economy in Britain,” adding that the loss of any goat is “irresponsible”.
Buzz My Goat insists the offer is a one-off. “We’re not going to make a habit of exporting our favourite goats for marriage purposes,” says Wickham.
In an attempt to track down the elusive Mr Tombe, Buzz My Goat has made contact with the Juba Times – the Sudanese publication that originally broke the story. The team also took Daisy to the Sudan Embassy in central London to seek help with her international transit. Getting the necessary documents signed-off is currently proving problematic, however.
“You do not have any letter, we don’t know anything about this,” commented an Embassy spokesperson, effectively denying Mr Tombe a swift union with his new bride. A video of this meeting can be viewed here. Dr Khaled el-Mubarak – the Sudan Embassy’s Press Officer – was unavailable for comment.
“We were all touched by Mr Tombe's story,” says Wickham. “We know no other goat can take Rose's place in his affections, but here at Buzz My Goat we can at least provide him with some comfort as he comes to terms with his loss."
Buzz My Goat have confirmed they will refuse a dowry for Daisy’s hoof in marriage.
Two years ago Mr Charles Tombe of Juba in southern Sudan was forced under local law to marry a goat named Rose, after he was discovered making amorous nocturnal advances towards her. Sadly, after a year of marital bliss, Rose choked to death on a plastic bag in a tragic accident.
Buzz My Goat – a new personal comedy service for web and mobile – this week resolved to end Mr Tombe's misery by offering him one of its mascots, a British Toggenburg breed of goat named Daisy, as a replacement.
"It's been almost one year since Rose died so tragically," says Buzz My Goat's Justin Wickham. "We feel Mr Tombe has endured enough mourning. The time is now right for him to move on to pastures new."
Ros Earthy, spokesperson for The British Goat Society, was quick to condemn the scheme: “Goats provide a valuable part of the economy in Britain,” adding that the loss of any goat is “irresponsible”.
Buzz My Goat insists the offer is a one-off. “We’re not going to make a habit of exporting our favourite goats for marriage purposes,” says Wickham.
In an attempt to track down the elusive Mr Tombe, Buzz My Goat has made contact with the Juba Times – the Sudanese publication that originally broke the story. The team also took Daisy to the Sudan Embassy in central London to seek help with her international transit. Getting the necessary documents signed-off is currently proving problematic, however.
“You do not have any letter, we don’t know anything about this,” commented an Embassy spokesperson, effectively denying Mr Tombe a swift union with his new bride. A video of this meeting can be viewed here. Dr Khaled el-Mubarak – the Sudan Embassy’s Press Officer – was unavailable for comment.
“We were all touched by Mr Tombe's story,” says Wickham. “We know no other goat can take Rose's place in his affections, but here at Buzz My Goat we can at least provide him with some comfort as he comes to terms with his loss."
Buzz My Goat have confirmed they will refuse a dowry for Daisy’s hoof in marriage.