Due to unique technology, Momail can already enable its leading mobile email service on all of the approximately 40 new mobile devices launched at the Mobile World Congress 2008 in Barcelona two weeks ago. Amongst these new devices are the new top models N96 from Nokia and Xperia X1 from Sony Ericsson.
Stockholm, Sweden – Momail is again first to enable mobile email support for the latest mobile devices. As soon as handset specifications were officially released after the related press announcements at the Mobile World Conference 2008, Momail verified its ability to support for all of the new models from BenQ, Fujitsu, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic, Sagem, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and ZTE.
”During second and third quarter the handsets announced in Barcelona will be released to the market. We reviewed all of the new device specifications and can announce support for all of them. Thanks to our server based solution, Momail can very quickly add support for the latest devices. Momail is already the market leader in supported devices, soon available on more than 1100 different models”, says Roger Grönberg, CEO of Momail.
Momail leverages the built-in email support on mobile devices, thus simplifying the start and use of mobile email, as no special client software or download is required to get started. With Momail’s patented technique MMOPE (Mobile Message Optimization and Protection Engine), all emails and attachments are optimized per mobile model. The result is that the amount of data sent to the individual mobile is reduced with up to 99,9%, thus both quickening the data transfer to the mobile, as well as dramatically decreasing the cost for mobile data sent to the device.
Mobiles launched in Barcelona and now supported by Momail
BenQ T80; Fujitsu FOMA F905i; LG KT610, LG-KF700, LG Viewty, LG-KF510, LG-KF600 and KB620; Motorola MOTO Z6w, Motorola W161 and Motorola W181; Nokia N78, N96, 6220 Classic and 6210 Navigator; Panasonic P905i; Sagem my855C; Samsung i200, i450, i550, i600, i780, F400, F480, L770, J700, P960, U600 EVO, U700 EVO, I325, F258 and G810; Sony Ericsson Xperia X1, C702, C902, G700, G900, Z770i and W980i; ZTE MD2 and MD3.
Stockholm, Sweden – Momail is again first to enable mobile email support for the latest mobile devices. As soon as handset specifications were officially released after the related press announcements at the Mobile World Conference 2008, Momail verified its ability to support for all of the new models from BenQ, Fujitsu, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic, Sagem, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and ZTE.
”During second and third quarter the handsets announced in Barcelona will be released to the market. We reviewed all of the new device specifications and can announce support for all of them. Thanks to our server based solution, Momail can very quickly add support for the latest devices. Momail is already the market leader in supported devices, soon available on more than 1100 different models”, says Roger Grönberg, CEO of Momail.
Momail leverages the built-in email support on mobile devices, thus simplifying the start and use of mobile email, as no special client software or download is required to get started. With Momail’s patented technique MMOPE (Mobile Message Optimization and Protection Engine), all emails and attachments are optimized per mobile model. The result is that the amount of data sent to the individual mobile is reduced with up to 99,9%, thus both quickening the data transfer to the mobile, as well as dramatically decreasing the cost for mobile data sent to the device.
Mobiles launched in Barcelona and now supported by Momail
BenQ T80; Fujitsu FOMA F905i; LG KT610, LG-KF700, LG Viewty, LG-KF510, LG-KF600 and KB620; Motorola MOTO Z6w, Motorola W161 and Motorola W181; Nokia N78, N96, 6220 Classic and 6210 Navigator; Panasonic P905i; Sagem my855C; Samsung i200, i450, i550, i600, i780, F400, F480, L770, J700, P960, U600 EVO, U700 EVO, I325, F258 and G810; Sony Ericsson Xperia X1, C702, C902, G700, G900, Z770i and W980i; ZTE MD2 and MD3.