Support desk is unsatisfactory, say Oracle users

Support desk is unsatisfactory, say Oracle users

UK users express mixed opinions about Oracle products

One in five Oracle Support users is unhappy with some element of the service, according to an annual survey published at this week’s UK Oracle User Group (UKOUG) conference.

Dissatisfaction with global support has more than doubled, a further seven per cent of respondents cited a need for localised support, and the number complaining about the quality of offshore resources is up from seven per cent to 17 per cent.

But there were also positive results. Eighty-one per cent of Oracle Server users are happy with the product and 76 per cent of Oracle Consulting customers would recommend the services they use.

There is also increased take-up of the recent software releases.

“Historic versions have virtually disappeared from the estate, and that’s good news,” said UKOUG chairman Ronan Miles.