How to set a wallpaper for a folder in Windows?

How to set a wallpaper for a folder in Windows?

  1. Locate the path to your wallpaper file. If your wallpaper file is located in C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\ and the name of your wallpaper file is Azul.jpg then the full path to your wallpaper file is C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Azul.jpg
  2. Now open notepad and copy-paste the following:

  3. Replace C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Azul.jpg with the path of your wallpaper file.
  4. Save the file as desktop.ini in the same folder for which you want to set the wallpaper.
  5. Now open the folder and voila! You have a colourful background wallpaper for your folder!

If you want, you can hide the desktop.ini file by chaning it's attribute.