IBM offers firms PCI compliance

IBM offers firms PCI compliance

New five-point program designed to give organisations full PCI compliance

Firms looking to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) got a boost this week as IBM launched a new compliance solution designed to take firms through the entire process from application to certification.

The five point program starts with a "security health check", moves through design, deployment, ongoing monitoring management, and includes product courses, training and security awareness programs so that firms can ensure staff are able to maintain compliance levels over time, according to IBM.

"Some vendors cover a niche aspect of PCI compliance, but we're unique in looking at it from an end-to-end business process [point-of-view]," argued IBM security strategy manager, Eric McNeil.

Andrew Kellett of analyst firm Butler Group said IBM is in a stronger position than many other vendors to offer firms a holistic PCI compliance solution, but he questioned whether the firm could truly enable businesses comply with all 12 points of the PCI DSS.