Visus goes for outdoor image

Visus goes for outdoor image

Start-up firm aims to fill gap with weatherproof display

UK start-up Visus is looking to plug a gap in the large-display space with the launch of an 82in weatherproof LCD next month.

Formed three months ago, the vendor is looking for resellers, but has not yet decided if it will go down the distribution route.

Terry Nash, UK sales manager at Visus, said: “We saw a requirement for a product that sits between the 103in plasma from Panasonic and the 40in-50in LCDs and LEDs on the market. We found someone who could build what we wanted and formed the company.”

The Visus VLE82001 LCD has achieved an ingress protection (IP) rating of 54, which means it is protected from dust and splashing water, making it suitable for outdoor applications.

“There are IP-rated 40in and 52in screens on the market, but nothing bigger. Our screen also features anti-glare glass,” said Nash.

Nash sees the screen being used primarily for public information systems such as those at airports and railway stations.

Lee Baker, divisional manager for displays at distributor Midwich, which stocks the 103in Panasonic plasma, said: “The large format displays space is dominated by well-known brands so it could be tough for a new entrant. Also, although there is a gap for this size screen, Samsung is due to launch a 70in and an 80in LCD in the next five months and Panasonic has plans to bring out a plasma of about 80in.

“However, no one appears to be bringing out a weatherproof screen in this size, so the Visus screen might do well as a rental product to the pub and leisure market.”

Nash added: “While Panasonic’s 103in looks like a solution, you need to build an IP-rated chassis around it. LED screens have minimum viewing distance problems due to the pixel pitch, so our screen fills an important gap.”