Intimis woos channel partners

Intimis woos channel partners

Personalisation systems for direct mail campaigns

Individualised direct marketing software vendor Intimis has launched its first channel partner programme, appointing marcoms firm The Bright Partnership as solutions partner and Germany-based print specialist Margreff Druck und Medien as solutions supplier.

Intimis' marketing system enables direct marketers to speak to prospects and customers on an individual basis in print and online. The company claims its systems can provide response rates of between double and three times those of conventional direct-mail, while halving the cost.

"Our partnership with Intimis enables us to provide our clients … to cultivate a far stronger relationship with their cutomers," said Roger Shelton, co-director of The Bright Partnership.

Using personalised URLs (PURLs) linked to individualised micro sites enables browsers' behaviour – and therefore customer interest - to be tracked in real time and used as leads for sales conversion.

"Prior to using PURLs we'd never received such strong results from a DM campaign," said herald Margreff, managing director of Margreff Druck und Medien. "This convinced me to become a channel partner there and then."

The software is compatible with any CRM system, claims Intimis.