Motorola i880 released by Sprint

Motorola i880 released by Sprint

Motorola i880Sprint has announced the availability of the Motorola i880, an all-in-one multimedia and productivity-enhancing wireless phone. As the first iDEN handset with a 2.0 megapixel camera, the i880 provides customers with entertainment features and Walkie-Talkie service.

With the 2.0-megapixel camera / camcorder, picture resolution is sharp enough for quality 5x7 prints, as well as lifelike video playback with sound. The i880 also features an integrated music player with the ability to enjoy MP3s, audio files and audio podcasts through the front dual-ported speakers in stereo sound. Multimedia files are easily stored on the included 64 MB microSD removable memory card.

In addition to Nextel's Walkie-Talkie and International Walkie-Talkie services, the i880 offers other unique walkie-talkie options:
  • Group Connect service enables group walkie-talkie conversations with up to 21 participants nationwide, and the groups can be directly set up on the handset within seconds.

  • Direct Talk service allows short-range walkie-talkie communications in areas without network coverage, depending on specific conditions such as terrain.

  • Direct Send allows users to send contact information and pictures to another Direct Send-capable phone within seconds simply by pushing the walkie-talkie button.

Some of the other features of the i880 include pre-installed and downloadable Java applications, GPS capabilities, Internet microbrowser, custom ring tone ID and picture caller ID, a 262K-color internal screen, voice dialing, voice recorder, speakerphone, datebook and 600-entry contacts list. In addition, the i880 contains AgION antimicrobial coating to help protect the phone's painted surfaces from damaging bacteria.