Apple acquires colour management technology

Apple acquires colour management technology

Apple has acquired Silicon Color, maker of the FinalTouch colour correction applications, for an undisclosed sum.

Silicon Color disclosed the transaction in a message on its website. It didn't provide any additional information other than that Apple will honour all existing maintenance contracts.

The FinalTouch software targets professionals in the movie and television industries. The colour finishing tool allows for real time manipulation of digital materials.

The FinalTouch HD application currently supports Apple's Final Cut Pro movie editing application.

Apple traditionally has a strong following in the graphics industry. The company last year unveiled its Aperture post production tool for photographers, allowing them to organize and manipulate images in the RAW file format.

Critics in recent months have charged that the success of Apple's iPod puts the company at risk of losing touch with its user base in the graphics industry. The Silicon Color acquisition however signals a continuing commitment to the segment.