The programme will kick off with the digitising of 101 films, including World War II newsreels and footage of the Apollo 11 mission and other Nasa material.
Viewers will also get access to motion pictures from the 1930s that document the establishment of the national park system.
"This is an important step for the National Archives in its goal of becoming an archive without walls," US archivist Allen Weinstein said in a statement.
"Our new strategic plan emphasises the importance of providing access to records anytime, anywhere. This is one of many initiatives that we are launching to make our goal a reality.
"For the first time, the public will be able to view this collection of rare and unusual films on the internet."
Google and the National Archives are also looking to expand their digitisation efforts into additional film material as well as the Archive's textual holdings.
The collaboration is non-exclusive, allowing the Archive to provide its movies to other parties.