ASP Function To Convert IP Address to IP Number

ASP Function To Convert IP Address to IP Number

Function Dot2LongIP (ByVal DottedIP)
Dim i, pos
Dim PrevPos, num
If DottedIP = "" Then
Dot2LongIP = 0
For i = 1 To 4
pos = InStr(PrevPos + 1, DottedIP, ".", 1)
If i = 4 Then
pos = Len(DottedIP) + 1
End If
num = Int(Mid(DottedIP, PrevPos + 1, pos - PrevPos - 1))
PrevPos = pos
Dot2LongIP = ((num Mod 256) * (256 ^ (4 - i))) + Dot2LongIP
End If
End Function