Pros: Light; Cooling works well
Cons: Coloured versions not worth the extra cost
Bottomline: A good rest that makes using a notebook more comfortable when not at a desk
Vista compatibility: Yes
Manufacturer: SCA Online
As notebooks become more popular they are in the process of moving, as a rule, away from desks and on to chairs and sofas, where they rest on the laps of their users.
The problem is not just that some notebooks can be heavy but that many of them get hot when in use. This is not only uncomfortable but can even lead to injury – particularly to men, for obvious reasons. The Laprest, then, helps to block the heat from the notebook and distribute its weight more comfortably.
It may look like it is made out of polystyrene but it is actually something called 'expanded polypropylene'. Despite the resemblance, this material is much stronger but it doesn't add any weight, meaning that the structure can cope with normal notebook use. It is moulded on the underside to match the contours of the user's legs, and that leaves plenty of room for air to circulate.
Although there are no straps to hold the notebook in place there is a ridge at the bottom to stop it from sliding forward, and an adjustable stud on each side to keep the computer in place. These can be removed altogether if required.
The Laprest was comfortable to use and, because it is very light, doesn't make the problem of notebook weight any worse – in fact, it helps because it redistributes the weight of the computer. After a couple of hours' computer use, the underside of the Laprest was still cool.
The price of the product depends on its colour, and at £10 the grey version of the Laprest is the cheapest one, but despite its benefits £10 is about as much as we would be willing to pay for it.