Newly formed building firm's £30m deal could cut costs by up to 20 per cent, says building firm
Housing developer Taylor Wimpey hopes to cut IT costs by a fifth by outsourcing the IT integration work following last year's merger of Taylor Woodrow and George Wimpey.
The £30m, five-year contract has been awarded to LogicaCMG on the basis of an established relationship with George Wimpey.
LogicaCMG will deliver core services across 50 offices to free up internal IT staff, according to Taylor Wimpey chief information officer Paul Caris.
"Our challenge, following the merger, was to provide a consistent IT service across the enlarged UK business and to deliver cost efficiencies through economies of scale," he said.
"This allows our internal team to focus on integrating our strategic business systems."
Housing developer Taylor Wimpey hopes to cut IT costs by a fifth by outsourcing the IT integration work following last year's merger of Taylor Woodrow and George Wimpey.
The £30m, five-year contract has been awarded to LogicaCMG on the basis of an established relationship with George Wimpey.
LogicaCMG will deliver core services across 50 offices to free up internal IT staff, according to Taylor Wimpey chief information officer Paul Caris.
"Our challenge, following the merger, was to provide a consistent IT service across the enlarged UK business and to deliver cost efficiencies through economies of scale," he said.
"This allows our internal team to focus on integrating our strategic business systems."