How can I share files between two computers over Wi-Fi?
One of the great things about home Wi-Fi networks, is that not only can you share a fast Internet connection, you can also use the network to share files among all the computers in your house. But at the same time, you probably don't want to open up your entire directory to your kids (and their friends). Here's how to share files safely with Windows XP Simple File Sharing.
First, organize files you expect to share, such as photos, music, and the family calendar, into their own folder or folders on your hard drive. Then decide who else should have access to these folders, and if you want to require a password for access. Finally, configure Simple File Sharing access permissions using the steps detailed here.
On a Mac, sharing files is even easier. Just put any files or folders you'd like to share in your Public folder, then open the Sharing panel under System Preferences and turn on Personal File Sharing.
You can also share files over an ad-hoc network by following the ad-hoc connection tips above first.
One of the great things about home Wi-Fi networks, is that not only can you share a fast Internet connection, you can also use the network to share files among all the computers in your house. But at the same time, you probably don't want to open up your entire directory to your kids (and their friends). Here's how to share files safely with Windows XP Simple File Sharing.
First, organize files you expect to share, such as photos, music, and the family calendar, into their own folder or folders on your hard drive. Then decide who else should have access to these folders, and if you want to require a password for access. Finally, configure Simple File Sharing access permissions using the steps detailed here.
On a Mac, sharing files is even easier. Just put any files or folders you'd like to share in your Public folder, then open the Sharing panel under System Preferences and turn on Personal File Sharing.
You can also share files over an ad-hoc network by following the ad-hoc connection tips above first.