Research shows biggest attraction for footie fans is the size of the TV screen
Resellers selling TV screens into the leisure market could benefit from new research from Steljes that could convince pub landlords to buy the largest screen size on the market.
The size of a pub’s TV/screen is the number one draw for people planning to watch the FIFA World Cup away from home, research from Steljes has revealed.
The distributor's study found that 80 per cent of 20-34 year olds planned to watch England’s World Cup matches in the pub. Of these, more than three-quarters (76 per cent) said that the choice of venue depended on whether it had a large screen on which to view a game. This was regarded as more important than an accessible bar (12 per cent), comfortable surroundings (eight per cent) or friendly service (four per cent).
Of those questioned, 62 per cent said the size of screen was of vital importance, and 86 per cent said they would be put off going to a pub which only showed matches on small TV screens.
“With the World Cup just a few weeks away, many pubs and clubs are gearing themselves up for a very busy period,” said Warwick Hill, managing director of Steljes Managed Services. “Now’s the time to make sure that they have the equipment, people and, of course, beer in place to make sure punters have a good time.”
Resellers selling TV screens into the leisure market could benefit from new research from Steljes that could convince pub landlords to buy the largest screen size on the market.
The size of a pub’s TV/screen is the number one draw for people planning to watch the FIFA World Cup away from home, research from Steljes has revealed.
The distributor's study found that 80 per cent of 20-34 year olds planned to watch England’s World Cup matches in the pub. Of these, more than three-quarters (76 per cent) said that the choice of venue depended on whether it had a large screen on which to view a game. This was regarded as more important than an accessible bar (12 per cent), comfortable surroundings (eight per cent) or friendly service (four per cent).
Of those questioned, 62 per cent said the size of screen was of vital importance, and 86 per cent said they would be put off going to a pub which only showed matches on small TV screens.
“With the World Cup just a few weeks away, many pubs and clubs are gearing themselves up for a very busy period,” said Warwick Hill, managing director of Steljes Managed Services. “Now’s the time to make sure that they have the equipment, people and, of course, beer in place to make sure punters have a good time.”